
the IRRDCR00 module to allow customers to convert a 3-byte packed decimal date
to a 4-byte packed decimal date, using RACF's interpretation of the
value. For
more information on IRRDCR00, see “Year 2000 Support” on page 51.
RACF has added the NGMFVSPN field to the NETVIEW segment of the RACF
user profile for future use by the NetView Graphic Monitor Facility. To support this
new field, a new keyword has been added to the RACF ADDUSER and ALTUSER
commands, and the RACF panels have been enhanced.
Airline Control System/MVS (ALCS/MVS)
RACF provides a new class, ALCSAUTH, to support ALCS/MVS Version 2 Release
Information Management
The maximum length of resource names for the INFOMAN and GINFOMAN
classes has increased from 39 to 44.
Sharing a RACF Database with a VM System Running RACF 1.10
RACF provides enhancements to allow systems to share a RACF database with a
VM system running RACF 1.10. The enhancements include:
Four new classes: VMPOSIX, FILE, DIRECTRY, and SFSCMD.
Support for the OVM segment in the RACF user and group profiles. This
support allows a system running OS/390 Release 2 Security Server (RACF) to
share a RACF database with a system running RACF 1.10 for VM. But this
does not
allow administration of the OVM segment using the RACF
commands from OS/390 Release 2 Security Server (RACF). You can
administer the OVM segments only from a RACF 1.10 for VM system.
Enhancements to the RACF database unload utility (IRRDBU00) to support
unloading data from the OVM segments in the user and group profiles.
Enhancements to the RACF SMF data unload utility (IRRADU00) to support
unloading data from audit records created on RACF 1.10 for VM. This support
allows RACF 1.10 for VM audit records to be processed by OS/390 Release 2
Security Server (RACF).
IRRUT100 Support for the FILE and DIRECTRY classes
PTF UW90296 updates the IRRUT100 utility to find FILE and DIRECTRY profiles
that have a second-level qualifier matching the input user name.
Enhanced Support for Coupling Facility Structure Rebuild
PTF UW90293 significantly enhances RACF's support of coupling facility structure
rebuild. Enhancements include:
Improved performance in the rebuild of RACF structures
Support of the LOC=OTHER parameter for operator-driven rebuilds
Support of REBUILDPERCENT as specified in the coupling facility resource
management policy
Chapter 2. Release Overview 11