1. Enter each value on a separate line in the entry field.
4. Click Save & Close.
5. Click Groups in the navigation pane and click Add Group.
6. Enter wpsadmins as the group name and add wpsadmin and wpsbind as members.
7. Click Save & Close.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 to add the three groups and do not add any new users in them at this time.
You must ensure that the administrator group, wpsadmins, has the proper permissions and roles in the
Domino Directory.
1. Go to the Files tab and right-click the file for mycompany's directory (names.nsf). Hint: Click the
title bar on the filename column to sort the list for finding names.nsf file easier.
2. Select Access Control -> Manage...
3. Click Add and select the wpsadmins group.
4. Under Access Control, set the following:
● User type: Person Group
● Access: Editor
● Roles: GroupCreator, GroupModifier, UserCreator, UserModifier
5. Click OK.
6. Exit the Domino Administrator client.
Configure Trusted IP Addresses for Sametime
For security reasons, a Sametime server only allows connections from other server applications if the IP
address is known by Sametime. These trusted IP addresses are defined in the Community Connectivity
document on the Sametime server.
1. Log onto the Domino Administrator client and use File -> Open Server... to switch to the
Sametime server.
2. Click the Files tab and open the Sametime Configuration document (stconfig.nsf).
3. Open the document under Community Connectivity (double-click the row immediately below
with the date/timestamp).
4. Double-click inside the document (Untitled) to switch to Edit mode.
5. Enter the IP address of the Portal server in the Community Trusted IPs field.
6. Close the document and click Yes to save the changes.
7. Restart the Sametime server.
Enable Picker on the Domino Server
Domino Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (DIIOP) must also be running on the Domino server. If DIIOP is
running, the picker feature in a portlets' edit mode is enabled. The picker feature enables browsing of
Domino databases on a given server.
37 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide