
Figure 2. Registration Screen in Domino Administrator
3. Click Server... to open the Server registration tool.
4. On the Choose a Certifier panel, click Server... and select the directory server.
a. Select Supply certifier ID and password and click Certifier ID...
b. Navigate to c:\Lotus\Domino\data and select the certifier ID (cert.id).
c. Click OK and enter the certifier password when prompted.
d. On the Certifier Recovery Information Warning, check the box to not show future warnings
and click OK.
Note: In a production environment you would normally enable password recovery. See the
Domino Administrator help for details.
e. Verify that the registration server, certifier and the certification expiration date are correct (you
may want to change the certification expiration date if your organization's security policies
require it).
If desired, use this table to record information you provide for later reference. A separate
spreadsheet of this table is packaged with this Solution Starting Point.
Table 15. Other Domino Base Server Names
System Parameter Suggested Value Your Value
Sametime Connect
Server Name
Sametime Connect
Server Hostname
24 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide