
Change Service Contact Information
Type changes, press Enter.
Company .......... A S JOURNEY, INC
Contact.......... N A VIGATOR
Contact telephone numbers:
Primary ......... 1-444-1234567
Alternative....... 1-444-1234589
Fax telephone numbers:
Primary ......... 1-444-1234590
Alternative....... _____________
Mailing address:
Street address ..... 999 Yellowbrick Rd.
City/State ....... Big Green, KS
Country ......... USA
Zip code ........ 000000000000
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Type the customer information. Page forward to the next display.
c. The following display appears:
Type changes, press Enter.
National language version 2924 F4 for list
Media for mailing PTFs . . 1 1=Automatic selection
2=Half inch reel, 1600 bpi
3=Half inch reel, 6250 bpi
4=Half inch cartridge
5=8 MM cartridge
6=Quarter inch cartridge
7=Quarter inch mini cartridge
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
d. Enter the correct information in the National language version and Media
for mailing PTFs information fields.
Note: Press the Help key for more information about the Media for
mailing PTFs field.
Press the Enter key.
e. The Work with Local Service Information display appears with the
following message:
Data area QSSF created in library QUSRSYS.
Note: If the contact information had been created previously and you
change it, the following message appears: Support contact
information updated..
f. Press F3 (Exit).
Setting Up Electronic Customer Support
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