
customer support, if available.You can also acquire this information from the
software service representative. The PSPs contain updates to the documents
you will be using.
When the new server arrives, do the following:
1. Inventory and check your order, ensure that what you have received matches
the container shipping list.
2. If Operations Console was ordered, you must use the book Operations Console
Setup, SC41-5508-01, to set up your PC for Operations Console. It is
recommended that you place the EZ-Setup CD-ROM inside the Operations
Console Setup book until needed in step 12. This book should be included with
your order if Operations Console (Feature Code #0367) was ordered with the
Before the data migration is to take place, do the following on
the source system:
1. If the source system is not already at the same release as the new server, use
the book Software Installation, SC41-5120-04, for upgrading the source system
to the release level of the new server.
Note: You must restore the source system to the old release level after the
data migration is completed, as per the license agreement.
2. Delete any unused device configuration descriptions on the source system.
This will save you steps later.
3. Print a new system configuration list using Start a service tool option.
4. Do the following on the AS/400 Main menu command line:
Start System Service Tools by typing:
Press the Enter key.
5. On the STRSST display, select Start a service tool option. Press the Enter key.
6. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager. Press the
Enter key.
7. From the Hardware Service Manager display, press F6 (print configuration).
8. To return to the AS/400 Main menu, press F3 (Exit) twice, and then press the
Enter key.
9. Keep the list for future reference.
10. Save the entire system just before the data migration is started. To do this,
follow the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21 on the Save
menu) by referring to any of the following:
v The chapter on saving your AS/400 system in the book Backup and Recovery,
v The Backup, Recovery, and Availability topic under System
Administration, Availability, and Maintenance in the Information
To find the procedure for saving the entire system (using option 21) in the
Information Center, do the following:
a. Click System Administration, Availability, and Maintenance
34 AS400e 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V4R5