
Power-on the TV Tuner: Use the ThinkPad
Features program or PS2.EXE. to power-on the TV Tuner;
then power-on the internal device in the diskette drive
compartment. If power for the internal device is turned off
when the TV Tuner is set up, nothing appears on the LCD
display. Turn on power for the TV Tuner again.
If you are using DOS, do one of the following:
Power-on the computer and type
PS2 from the
command prompt to start the ThinkPad Features
Select Set Power Features from the ThinkPad
Features menu; then put a check mark at
Internal Serial Port (or Diskette Drive
Compartment) under the Power for devices.If
you need help, press F1 to display the help
PS2 MODEM ON (or PS2 DDC ON) from the
command prompt; press the Enter key to set the
power ON.
If you are using OS/2* or Microsoft Windows**, do the
1. Power-on the computer and start the ThinkPad
Features program.
2. Select the Power icon; then move the pointer to
Internal Serial Port (or Diskette Drive
Compartment) under the Power for devices
and click the button to check mark it.
3. Press the OK button.
Common Devices Checkout 603