
Check the Type
There are two types of 760E: Both come with an FDD
built-in, but only one model is upgradable with an
internal CD-ROM drive.
The nonupgradable type 760E model has the
FDD built-in space that is thick enough to install
only an FDD.
The upgradable type 760E model has the FDD
built-in space that is thick enough to install a
Check to be sure which type of 760E you are
servicing before ordering FRU parts. FRUs for the
CD-ROM upgradable type are listed in the 760E(CD
Upgradable Type)/760ED parts list. (See “Model
760E (9546) (CD Upgradable Type) or 760ED” on
page 494.)
ThinkPad 760 (9546, 9547) 491