15. The FRITZ! and EXTRAS folders 217
WIN95\DUN\DUN13Y2K Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking Update
1.3 Year 2000 fix. For more details please
read the files _info.txt and _y2kdun13.txt.
WIN95\DUN\MSDUN13 Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking Update
1.3, multi language. For more details please
read the files _info.txt and _msdun13.txt
WIN95\DUN\MSDUN14 Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking Update
1.4. Available in English only. For more
details please read the file msdun14.txt.
WIN95\DUN\VPNUPD Windows 95 Virtual Private Networking
Update. For more details please read the
file vpnupd.txt. Requires Dial-Up
Networking Update 1.3.
WIN95\SCRIPTSLIP Windows 95 SLIP and Scripting support for
use with Dial-Up Networking. For more
details please read the file readme.txt.
WIN95\SP1 Windows 95 Service Pack 1 multi language.
This is for the initial Windows 95 release of
August 1995 only! For more information
please read the file _info.txt.
WIN95\Y2K Windows 95 Year 2000 update, multi
language. For more information please read
the files _info.txt and _readme.1st.
WIN98 Windows 98 software and updates
WIN98\DIALS Contains the IBM Dials Client v5.03 Patch 2
for Windows 95 and Windows 98 for
dialing into the following IBM routers:
• 8235 DIALs Server
• 2210 Nways Multiprotocol Router and
• 2212 Access Utility (AIS)
• 2216 Nways Multiaccess Connector
WIN98\DUN14 Windows 98 Dial-Up Networking Update
1.4 multi language. For more information
please read the file dun14.txt and _info.txt
files in the directories FE (Windows 98 First
Edition) and SE (Windows 98 Second
WIN98\SHUTSE Windows 98 Second Edition shutdown
supplement, multi language. For more
details please read _info.txt and _shutse.txt.
ISDNmst.fm Page 217 Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:22 AM