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12. Using NDIS
This section contains instructions for using NDIS.
Using NDIS in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me
The NDIS WAN CAPI device driver
The NDIS WAN CAPI Device Driver for Windows 95 provides the capability for
dial-up networking (RAS) over ISDN. The NDIS WAN CAPI device driver is
based upon the standardized CAPI 2.0 application interface, and can be used with
all CAPI 2.0-compliant ISDN adapters.
To install the device driver into MS Windows 95, you need the Microsoft ISDN
Accelerator Pack v1.1 or its successor, Microsoft Dial-Up Networking 1.3
Do not install these programs at the same time!
Both programs extend the functionality of Windows 9x and Windows Me Dial-Up
Networking and form the basis for installation of the NDIS WAN CAPI Device
Driver for Windows 9x and Windows Me. The table below shows the location of
this software on the CD-ROM for each operating system.
Both products contain a WAN architecture for Windows 95, identical to that of
Windows NT, with features beyond simple modem support. This software
enables Windows 95 to support media such as X.25, Frame Relay and ISDN.
Please note that this architecture allows you to set up only ISDN connections
based on the Point-to-Point-Protocol (PPP) over ISDN and HDLC using Dial-Up
Networking, unlike the ISDN CAPI Port Device Driver, which provides a
UNIMODEM/VCOMM device driver. HyperTerminal, CompuServe client
software and similar packages cannot be used with the ISDN Accelerator Pack.
For these packages, please use the ISDN CAPI Port Device Driver or cFos.
NDIS is an abbreviation for Network Device Interface Specification and defines a
standard for binding network adapters (hardware) to network protocols
(software). NDIS WAN is a Microsoft extension of this standard for Wide-Area
Operating System Directory
Windows 95 Win95\NDIS
Windows 98 WIN98\NDIS
Windows Me WinME\NDIS
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