5.2 Process control and management
A process is an instance of a program in execution. Process management consists of creating, manipulating,
and terminating a process. Process management is handled by the process management subsystems of the
kernel. The kernel interacts with the memory subsystem, the network subsystem, the file and I/O subsystem,
and the inter-process communication (IPC) subsystem.
The kernel treats a process as a subject. A subject is an active entity that can access and manipulate data and
data repositories, which are objects. System resources, such as CPU time and memory, are allocated to
objects. The kernel manages a process through a number of data structures. These data structures are created,
manipulated, and destroyed to give processes viability.
This section briefly describes how a process is given credentials that are used in access mediation, and how
the credentials are affected by process and kernel actions during the life cycle of the process.
This section is divided into four subsections. Data Structures lists important structures that are used to
implement processes and highlight security relevant credentials fields. Process Creation and Destruction
describes creation, destruction, and maintenance of a process with emphasis on how security-relevant
credentials are affected by state transitions. Process Switch describes how the kernel switches the current
process that is executing on the processor, with emphasis on mechanisms that ensure a clean switch (that is,
ensuring that the latest process executing is not using any resources from the switched out process). Kernel
Threads describes special-purpose subjects that are created to perform critical system tasks.
5.2.1 Data structures
The SLES kernel provides two abstractions for subject constructs: a regular process and a lightweight process.
A lightweight process differs from a regular process in its ability to share some resources, such as address
space and open files. With respect to security relevance, if differences exist between regular processes and
lightweight processes, those differences are highlighted. Otherwise, both regular and lightweight processes
are simply referred to as processes for better readability.
Figure 5-11: Process subsystem and its interaction with other subsystems