
Kernel Modules
Device Drivers
Trusted process subsystems:
System Initialization
Identification and Authentication
Network Applications
System Management
Batch Processing
User-level audit subsystem
6.8.1 Summary of kernel subsystem interfaces
This section identifies the kernel subsystem interfaces and structures them per kernel subsystem into:
External Interfaces: System calls associated with the various kernel subsystems form the external interfaces.
They are structured into TSFI System Calls and Non-TSFI System Calls.
Internal Interfaces: These are the interfaces that cannot be exported as system calls that are intended to be
used by other kernel subsystem. Note that other kernel subsystems may of course also use the system calls by
calling the kernel internal entry point of the system call. This entry point can be the name of the system call
prefixed with sys_, or the name of the system call, prefixed with ppcX_ (X can be 32 or 64) or ppc_
(PowerPC kernel). For example, for a system call abc, the kernel internal entry point is either sys_abc or
ppcX_abc or ppc_abc.
Data Structures: The kernel subsystem maintains data structures that can be read directly by other kernel
subsystems to obtain specific information. They are considered to be data interfaces. Data structures are
defined in header files.
The system calls are not described any further in this chapter. For more information about the purpose of the
system call, its parameter, return code, restrictions, and effects, see the man page for that particular system
call. The spreadsheet delivered as part of the functional specification also shows on which platform the
different system calls are available.
This chapter contains a reference to the internal interfaces, describing where to find the description of the
function implementing this internal interface.
Concerning the data structures, this chapter contains the name of the header file within the TOE source tree
that defines the data structure. This document, as well as the other documents provided as references within
this chapter, provides details of the purpose of those data structures. Kernel subsystem file and I/O
This section lists external interfaces, internal interfaces, and data structures of the file and I/O subsystem. External Interfaces
TSFI system calls
Non-TSFI system calls
System calls are listed in the Functional Specification mapping table.