they appear in the existing configuration files (i.e., Com1 or
Com2:Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity).
Any text editor can also be used to append the 'LCONFIG.LCR' file
as well. Model the new entries as they appear in this file, and save
the file as a Text (ASCII) file.
Change serial (COM) ports. If more than 1 COM port is present,
this key will toggle between COM1 and COM2.
Local Echo ON or OFF. If ON, characters typed on the keyboard
are echoed to the CRT, in addition to being transmitted.
Clears the upper portion of the display.
Printer ON or OFF. When ON, incoming data is copied to the
system printer.
File: Press this key to specify a file into which incoming data will
be copied. Once defined, press F6 again to close the file.
Help. Accesses the specified help file (see F1).
CRT: ON Toggling this to OFF prevents incoming data from being
displayed on the CRT. Instead, only a byte count is displayed. If a
file (F6) is not open, the incoming data is lost.
Alt + x
Terminates the program.