
The LI-6252 CO
and LI-6262 CO
O Analyzers are both
configured as DCE devices, and can be connected to most computers
using the 1000-04 printer cable. The 1800-04 printer cable will work
with most computers that have a 9-pin AT-style RS-232C port.
To send data from the LI-6252 or LI-6262 to a computer, follow
these steps:
1. Use FCT 17 to set the communication parameters as follows:
Baud Rate: 4800
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 2
Parity: None
2. Press FCT 13 and designate the channels that you wish to print.
3. Press FCT 15 to set the interval at which to print a header, if
4. Press FCT 14 to set the print interval (in seconds). If the cable
connections and software configurations are set correctly, data
will now be transmitted.
C20 Cassette Reader
To send files from the C20 to a computer, follow these steps:
1. Set the switches on the C20 as follows:
10110111 (4800 baud, odd parity, default program, I. ASCII)
2. Connect the recorder and the C20 using the REMOTE and
MONITOR jacks.
3. If your computer's RS-232C port is configured as DTE (the
normal configuration), attach it to port A (TO TERMINAL). If
it is configured as DCE, attach it to port B (TO COMPUTER).
4. Press PLAY on the recorder. The recorder can be stopped by
pressing <CTRL>S on the computer keyboard, and restarted by