View: Operator Guide
fast-forward: button, 5–11
Fetch, button, 5–2
first preset, PTZ, 2–18
gain, video feed, 4–1
Go To command: while making Clip, 7–6
go to time. See retrieval session
GPO (general purpose output). See output
grease, on camera lens, 4–4
help, online reminderof next step, 5–2
higher mask, 5–14
historical note: Multi-Media unit:, 1–7
holidays: priority in scheduling, 12–3, 12–5;
scheduling cameras and alarms for, 12–2
Honeywell: customer support, contacting, 1–7
how to…: start View, 1–1
image size: initial camera window, 2–13
interval, setting, 5–4
invert mask, search for motion command, 5–6
iris. See PTZ, commands
jump-to-time (table), 3–6
Kruegle, Herman, 4–4
later media: icon, 3–5, 3–6, 5–3; motion search,
5–3; retrieval, 3–5
lighting: motion search trigger, 5–13
live session: ending, 2–19; starting, 2–1
live sound. See audio, live
local time zone of View operator (LTZ), 2–7
LocalView: audio, 8–2
log: sorting chronologically, 6–20
LTZ, 2–7
Macmillan Publishing. See Newman
magnitude, filter, 5–7
maintenance session: ending, 6–12; starting, 6–
12; tasks (table), 1–6; user account rights
(table), 1–6
mask, to detect motion, 5–4
masking: flashing, 5–13; higher area, 5–14;
smaller area, 5–14
Microsoft Windows: alarm log chronological
sort, 6–20; date and time display, 2–7;
Regional settings, for date format, 6–18;
screen area, 2–8
Mins. Pre. button, 5–11
monitor, 2–8; audio, 8–3
monitor, for high resolution, 2–8
motion detection, and motion search, 5–1
motion highlighting: button, 5–15; how to, 5–15
motion search: button, session, 5–1; date and
time reuse, 5–16; enabling, 5–1; exclude an
area, 5–6; false negative, 5–13, 5–15; false
positive, 5–13, 5–15; focus on areablocks, 5–
5; later media, 5–3; masking 3x3 blocks, 5–6;
masking commands, 5–4, 5–5; menu, 5–6;
preparing, 5–2, 5–3, 5–16; PTZ, 2–18; remove
block in mask, 5–5; report, 5–7; session, 5–1
motion search report: as text file, 5–16;
customizing, 5–15, 5–16; other software, 5–16
Multi SA (system administrator): alarm session
user, defining, 6–10; defining customer
events, 11–5; Honeywell technical support,
contacting, 1–7; installing Multi software,
guidelines, 9–1; tasks (table) for Maintenance,
1–6; View operators, and, 2–16, 6–10
Multi security. See security
Multi-Media Admin User Guide, 1–1, 1–2, 9–1
Multi-Media site: list, searching, 1–3; properties, 1–
4; Quick search, 1–3; selecting, 1–3; time limit
for operator, 1–4, 6–4
Multi-Media unit: historical note, 1–7; time zone
(RTZ), 2–7
Newman, Oscar, 4–4
next image button, 5–10
noise: alarm bell, 8–4; loud alarm, 8–3, 8–4
Norm (normal appearance of chart of
frequency) button, 5–8
nudge. See PTZ, nudge factor