FAQs: Find-it
The audio toolbar (illustrated in figure 2) does not appear on a PC without a
sound card. 8–1
Do not use audio on a dial-up connection with video. 8–2
Background noise can build-up as an operator monitors more sites all at once. 8–2
In many situations, unwarranted recording of audio can be unlawful. Check with
local authorities if you are unsure. 8–3
Do not use audio on a dial-up connection with video. 8–3
In many situations, unwarranted recording of audio can be unlawful. Check with
local authorities if you are unsure. 8–4
Loud alarms can interfere with microphones or a speaker at times when they
could be needed most. 8–4
To set up a Site Tour, you need a Multi SA account and Admin software. 9–1
Closing unnecessary camera windows increases the speed of the video feeds
being displayed. 9–2
The Start Search button is unavailable until dates and times differ in From or To. 10–1
A cash register is used as an example to illustrate the procedures in this section. 11–1
Technical users who know how to use a regular expression (RE) benefit most
from using the special characters in a rule. 11–5
Though holidays and exception days are set using a similar procedure, settings
made on the Alarm tab apply only to alarms. 12–3
Settings for Holiday and Exception have higher priority than settings for days of
the week. 12–3
Though holidays and exception days are set using a similar procedure, settings
made on the Alarm Schedule tab apply only to alarms. 12–5
Settings for Holiday and Exception have higher priority than settings for days of
the week. 12–5