Max Users ( Pre V4 Only)
This option is used to assign additional MAX users to the system without
allocating PINs, MAX users are only authorised to operate the Access
Control functions of the MAX modules.
Enter the Codes option and select 3 = MAX Users. Press the ent key to
display the first MAX user number. Each of the users can be displayed
using the A> and <B keys, or a specific user can be selected by entering
the required user number. When the required code is displayed, press
the ent key; to display 1 = MAX Number.
Each MAX card has a unique 10 digit number laser etched onto it. A
MAX card is assigned to a user by entering this number in the MAX No
option. The number identifies the MAX card to the system and refer-
ences it to the user it has been assigned to.
Each MAX Number defaults to 0000000000 (ten zero’s):
1. Press and hold the B key until the zeros are deleted.
2. Enter the unique 10 digit number which is laser etched onto the
MAX card.
3. Press the ent key to save the programming and return to the
previous menu.
Note: A MAX number can be assigned to a user code that does
not have a PIN allocated to it. All other options for this
user are valid for the MAX card. It is recommended that
MAX numbers should be assigned to users not requiring
a PIN at the Max Users menu option.
When a MAX number has been assigned to a MAX user number, a solid
box () is displayed on the top line of the MAX user number details
Pin Warning
This option determines the number of days notification before the expiry
date of any user codes programmed as PIN Change. During the
notification period, the user is prompted to enter a new code on entry
of the expiring PIN. The default period is 99 days, with a programmable
range of 1 – 99. If a user does not assign a new code by the end of the
PIN Warning period, then the code is erased on the next unsetting of
the system.
Note: The PIN Warning ends on the last day of the month, the
PIN expires on the first day of the following month.