The current status of the zone is displayed as circuit information, e.g.
Open or Closed. This information alternates with function information.
The zone description, if programmed, is displayed on the bottom line of
the display. The descriptor is assembled from alpha-numeric text and
describes the zone in detail, e.g. West Office Door.
Selecting And Viewing
Selecting the Display Zones option displays the first zone address
available on the system. Other zones can be viewed sequentially by
using the >A or <B keys. Zones can also be displayed by entering the
address of the zone: Galaxy 8 enter the zone number (1 digit); Galaxy 18
and 60 enter the RIO and zone number (2 digits); Galaxy 128, 500 504 and
512 enter the line, RIO and zone number (4 digits). Press the # key to
display the zone resistance and RIO voltage.
The esc key aborts the option and returns to the option menu.
Display Log (User Level 4 and Above)
The Display Log option provides the user with a means of viewing the
system history. Events are recorded in detail and stored in the non-
volatile memory.
Selecting Display Log
Enter the QUICK MENU. Press key 4 followed by the ent key. Details
of the most recent event to be logged are displayed.
The events available for display include details of setting, unsetting and
alarms. Each event is timed and date stamped.
Selecting a Date
Hold down one of the view keys, the dates held in the log are rapidly
stepped through. The A> key moves forward through the dates and the
<B moves backwards. Stopping at the required date reveals the first
event for that date.
Viewing Each Event
The entire events of any one date can be viewed by progressively stepping
through the events using the A> and <B view keys. * If the user has
group choice enabled, the groups will display. Events for each group
can be displayed by entering the group number.