2 - 10
provides a means of checking character bit patterns for validity.
Default = None.
RS-232 Handshaking
RS-232 Handshaking allows control of data transmission from the image scan-
ner using software commands from the host device. CTS/RTS operates in
mode 2. When this feature is turned
, no data flow control is used. When
Data Flow Control is turned
, the host device suspends transmission by
sending the XOFF character (DC3, hex 13) to the image scanner. To resume
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
7 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Odd
7 Data, 2 Stop, Parity Even
7 Data, 2 Stop Parity None
* 8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity None
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Even
8 Data, 1 Stop, Parity Odd