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Connecting the Base with RS-232 Serial Port
1. Turn off power to the terminal/computer.
2. Connect the appropriate interface cable to the base.
Note: For the base to work properly, you must have the correct cable for your
type of terminal/computer.
3. Plug the serial connector into the serial port on your computer. Tighten the
two screws to secure the connector to the port.
4. Plug the power supply barrel connector to the base, and plug the power
supply into the AC source.
5. Once the base has been fully connected, power up the computer.
All communication parameters between the image scanner and terminal must
match for correct data transfer through the serial port using RS-232 protocol.
Scanning the RS-232 interface bar code, programs the image scanner for an
RS-232 interface at 115,200 baud, parity–none, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and adds
a suffix of a CR LF.