
4. If the paper that you are using has a paper-data barcode printed on the leading edge of the roll, and
printing paper info is enabled, the printer automatically reads the information. If printing paper info is
disabled, the barcode is ignored.
If printing paper info is enabled and no barcode is detected on the roll that is being loaded, the front
panel asks you to enter the paper type and the length of the roll you are loading. Select the paper
category and paper type of the roll. If it is not clear which paper category or paper type to select, see
Supported paper types on page 27.
Select the length of the roll.
5. If some of the paper checks failed, the front panel explains the problem and helps you to load paper
6. If you have a take-up reel (a standard feature on the 1.5m printer and an optional accessory on the
1.1m printer), a message will appear on the front panel asking if you want to load paper onto the take-
up reel. If you select No (or if you do not have a take-up reel) the front panel displays the Ready
message and the printer is ready to print. If you select Yes, a message will appear on the front panel
asking if you want to load the take-up reel now or during printing.
If you want to load the take-up reel now, select Load take-up reel now, read through the
introductory text in the section
Use the take-up reel on page 35, and then continue to step 3 of
the procedure.
If you want to load the take-up reel during printing, select Load it during printing, read through
the introductory text in the section
Use the take-up reel on page 35, and then continue to step 3
of the procedure.
NOTE: Familiarize yourself with the procedural steps, because loading the take-up reel while
printing requires you to complete the procedure while the printer is feeding and printing paper.
Loading the take-up reel during printing saves approximately 1 m (3 ft) of paper.
34 Chapter 4 Handle the paper ENWW