Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack 1.0
Color-adjustment options
The aim of color management is to print accurate colors. If you perform color management correctly, then
you should be able to print accurate colors with no need of any manual color adjustments.
However, manual adjustments may be useful in the following situations:
If your color management is not working correctly for some reason
If you want colors that are subjectively pleasing rather than accurate
The printer driver provides different adjustment facilities depending on whether you are printing in color or in
grayscale. If you are printing in pure black and white, there are no color adjustment options.
Printing in color
You can adjust the colors of your print under Windows:
In the Windows driver dialog: select the Color tab, ensure that the Advanced color adjustments box is
checked, then press the Settings button beside it.
Under either operating system, you will then be able to make adjustments using a lightness slider and three
color sliders.
The lightness slider simply makes the whole print lighter or darker.
The color sliders can be used to fade or emphasize each of the primary colors in the print. The primary
colors may be red, green and blue; or cyan, magenta and yellow; depending on the color model used in
the image.
The Reset All button restores each slider to its default central position.
Printing in grayscale
You can adjust the gray balance of your print in similar ways under Windows and MAC OS X:
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