0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 82
18.7 Fitting to targets for mid-level speech
FastFacts 18.7: Fitting to targets for mid-level speech
18.8 Open fittings in Speechmap
FastFacts 18.8: Open fittings in Speechmap
Select REAR 3 and set stimulus to [Speech-std(1)] or [Speech-std(2)] and level
to 70. Elongated + symbols show the target range for 70 dB speech LTASS.
7) Adjust gain for mid-level sounds so that the middle curve (the LTASS) falls
within the target range. Press <Continue> to run the complete passage. Repeat
as necessary. Achieving this goal may require adjusting gain for soft speech,
which will reduce its audibility. This may be a necessary compromise with some
hearing instruments and for clients with a very narrow dynamic range.
mode should be used for open and vented fittings. There are no special real
ear SPL targets for open fittings - it doesn’t matter how the sound reaches the TM,
the perception is the same. However, the sound that escapes from a vent or open
fitting may be detected by the REM reference microphone, interfering with the
sound-field equalization. For this reason, the hearing instrument must be muted
during sound-field equalization.
1) Position the client and probe tube and enter audiometric data. See 10: Real-Ear
Measurement Setup, 17: Speechmap ®, 18: Speechmap Fitting Procedures.
2) Highlight and <PICK> Instrument and select Open from the list.
Highlight and <PICK> a REAR test. If this is the first Open test in a session, you
will be prompted to mute or turn off the hearing instrument and select the
Equalize button on the setup poster. Otherwise, you are reminded to equalize
whenever the client or nearby objects are moved. After equalization, unmute or
turn the instrument on and follow the fitting procedures in 18.5: Fitting to targets
for soft speech to 18.7: Fitting to targets for mid-level speech.