0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 47
9.3 Multicurve procedure
FastFacts 9.3: Multicurve procedure
9.4 Multicurve results
FastFacts 9.4: Multicurve results
Multicurve generates 1 to 4 output or gain response curves using either pink noise
or swept pure tones at input levels ranging from 40 – 90 dB SPL and 0 dB (off).
1) Press <Tests>, then highlight and <PICK> [Multicurve].
2) Refer to 7.11: Coupling the hearing instrument, 7.12: Positioning the hearing
instrument and 2.5: Battery pill use and care to prepare the instrument for
testing. Turn the instrument ON.
3) Highlight and <PICK> button 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the Test column.
4) Highlight and <PICK> the Stimulus window, then highlight and <PICK> either
[Pink noise] or [Swept] from the drop-down list.
5) Highlight and <PICK> the Level window for the selected Test, then highlight
and <PICK> a stimulus level from the drop-down list.
6) Press <Continue> to run a sweep or to capture a pink noise curve; press
<Cancel> to abort the test.
7) To measure another response curve, highlight and <PICK> another test button;
to overwrite a curve, highlight and <PICK> its test button.
To change scale from dB SPL to dB Gain, highlight & <PICK> the Scale window.
curves for the noise signal are in 1/12
octave bands. They will be
approximately 18 dB lower than pure tone curves for a linear instrument.
2) Gain curves for a linear instrument will be the same for both swept and pink
noise test signals.
3) For compression instruments, both gain and output curves may be expected to
differ for the two test signals.
4) See 7: Hearing Instrument Tests Setup to change screen appearance.