Configuration Menu 134
Port PVRST configuration
Command: /cfg/port <port number>/stp
[Port 1 STP Menu]
edge - Enable/disable edge port (for PVRST only)
link - Set port link type (auto, p2p, or shared; default: auto)
(for PVRST only)
cur - Display current port stp configuration
The following table describes the port PVRST Configuration Menu options.
Table 103
Port PVRST Configuration Menu options
Command Description
edge enable|disable
Enables or disables this port as an edge port. An edge port is not
connected to a bridge, and can begin forwarding traffic as soon as the
link is up. Configure server ports as edge ports (enabled). The default
value is enabled.
link auto|p2p|shared
Defines the type of link connected to the port, as follows:
• auto—Configures the port to detect the link type, and automatically
match its settings.
• p2p—Configures the port for Point-To-Point protocol.
• shared—Configures the port to connect to a shared medium (usually
a hub).
The default link type is auto.
Displays current port PVRST parameters.