For best results, choose a calibration solution with a conductivity or
TDS value as close as possible to the sample to be measured.
For example, for measurements in the 2 to 20 mS/cm range, use the
HI 7030 (12.88 mS/cm) conductivity calibration solution.
For accurate calibration, use two beakers for each solution: the first
one for rinsing the probe and the second one for calibration.
If possible, use plastic beakers to minimize any EMC interference.
For a complete list of HANNA instruments
calibration solutions see
the "Accessories" section.
• Fill a beaker with 8 cm (3¼") of conduc-
tivity calibration solution (if possible fill
two beakers, one for rinsing the probe
and one for calibration).
• Connect the probe to the meter securely
by aligning the pins with the socket,
pushing the plug in and tightening the
threaded ring.
• Immerse the probe into the beaker, while
paying attention that the holes on the
PVC sleeve are completely submerged.
• Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key and select
the appropriate range (e.g. 19.99 mS/cm).
• Tap the probe repeatedly on the bottom of the beaker and stir it
to ensure that no air bubbles remain trapped inside the sleeve.
• If the probe temperature is close to the solution temperature, the
display will stabilize quickly and show the temperature compen-
sated conductivity measurement.
However, the ATC circuitry needs a few minutes for temperature
compensation if the temperature difference is about 5°C (9°F).
HI 76302W conductivity probe features a built-in temperature sensor
that allows automatic compensation of the reading for any tempera-
ture differences.
Wait for a few minutes for the temperature sensor to reach the
thermal equilibrium with the test solution before taking measure-
ments. If the temperature of conductivity probe and solution is
drastically different, a longer time should be allowed.
When all measurements are completed, turn the
meter OFF and the clean the probe cleaned (see
"Probe Maintenance" section for details).
Note: Probe body and sleeve are made of PVC, and are susceptible
to damage due to temperatures exceeding 60°C (140°F). If
the probe is exposed to high temperature, the bond between
the rings and the probe body may become impaired and the
probe will not function properly. In this case, the probe will
need to be replaced.