Typical calibration curve for HI 4105 Carbon Dioxide ISE
• Standards and solutions should be at the same tem-
perature. 10 mL of ISA is added to each 100 mL of
sample and standard.
• Protect these solutions from loss of dissolved gas by
covering and using promptly.
3. Follow section VII; General Guidelines to optimize test
4. During calibration it is best to start with lower concen-
tration samples first. Wait for a stable reading before
reading/recording values (approximately 5 minutes).
5. To prevent carry over and contamination of samples,
rinse sensors with deionized water and dab dry be-
tween samples.
6. Between measurements suspend sensor tip in a small
sample of CO
Conditioning solution; HI 4005-45.
Rinse body with deionized water and dab dry before
placing in next sample.
7. Check HI 4105 electrode calibration every 2 hours by
verification of at least one calibration point.
Typical response for HI 4105 Carbon Dioxide senso
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5