
X. X.
X. X.
Quick Check of Electrode SlopeQuick Check of Electrode Slope
Quick Check of Electrode SlopeQuick Check of Electrode Slope
Quick Check of Electrode Slope
Connect BNC (connector) to pH/mV/ISE meter.
Place meter in mV mode.
Place 100 mL of deionized water into a vessel with
stir bar. Add 10 mL of ISA Hanna HI 4005-00.
Place sensor into prepared sample.
Add 1 mL of 1000 ppm or 0.1 M Carbon dioxide
standard to beaker and stir sample. Wait approxi-
mately 5 minutes. Record the mV value when stable.
Add an additional 10 mL of standard to the solution.
Record the mV when reading has stabilized (approxi-
mately 5 minutes). This value should be greater
than the previous noted (more positive).
Determine the difference between the two mV values.
An acceptable value for this slope is 54±4 mV at
ambient temperatures between 20 and 25°C.
Corrective actionCorrective action
Corrective actionCorrective action
Corrective action
Verify standard has been properly added.
Verify ISA has been added in the correct ratio to the
standard (1 part ISA to 10 parts sample or standard).
Verify that the upper cap has been screwed in all the
Verify electrode is connected properly to meter and the
meter is is powered .
Verify membrane cap is tightened securely to probe
Examine the membrane for discoloration or perfora-
tions or for internal fill solution that might have
leaked through the PTFE membrane. Replace mem-
brane cap if damaged.
If drift is seen:
Verify electrode and standards are at same tempera-
Verify electrode has adaquate fill solution.
Verify electrode was not left in air for prolonged pe-