Input method
This mobile phone used the eZi input
There are5 input methods:
1.Number (123 .
2.Character (abc/ABC):
When using your mobile phone there will be
many timesthat you will needto input texte.g.
sending messages, entering names into the
Phonebook, editing the greetings message,
editing Browsersettings, etc.
):To provide inputnumber
Press desired
number key, one time press to input a
character, twice press quickly to display the
second character, by analogy to finished the
Allows User to use eZi predictive
English inputmethod.(First letter small)
Allows you touse eZi predictive
English input method (First letters Capital)
Note: If you press the key , you find a "
"display at last line on screen. No need to
worry about this, it's just a page down mark.
When you press the "down key" the input
character will display at the last line on
screen. User has to press and hold the key
for typingthe word that key.
By pressing # Key user can switch to
available inputmethods
Input Modeswitch