those four keys to move the red square to
select the chess. If the A chessman jumps
over the B chessman, the former chess eats
over the latter one. Only chess can jump in
one process. At last only chess left on the
chessboard willbe the winner.
User can protect important information in the
mobile used by others. The information
includes message, names, call record, voice
memo, alarm clock and scheduler. User can
choose the any of the menu or all the menu
for password protection, before opening the
particular locked menu phone will ask for
Haier Feature menu item lock ok Enter
lock code Ok Select any of the menu item
listed option(Enable, EnableAll, DisableAll
Note: Default menu lock code is 0000 .
8 HaierFeature
8.1 Menu items LockCode
User can change the password in security
menu. Settings Security Enter lock
Code Change Code Enter New Lock
Code ConfirmNew Lock Code OK.
This function is used for incoming call
screening in simple words phone can restrict
the callers after save the mobile numbers in
the listsexplained below.
User cansave 10 phone numbersin black list.
The listed numbers can not connect to user's
phone number.
Haier Feature Incoming Call Guard Black
List Option Edit, Delete, DeleteAll, OK.
User cansave 10 phone numbersin white list.
Only the listednumbers can connect to user's
phone number.
8.2 Incoming Call Guard