Advanced Displa
Advanced Disp
lay Module (ADM) Operation
When main powe
r is turned on by turning the main
power switch
(MP) to the ON position, the splash
screen will b
e displayed until communication and
ion is complete.
Then the power key icon screen will display until the
ADM power on/off button (A)
is pressed for the
first time after system power-up.
To begin using the ADM, the machine must be active.
To verify the machine is active, verify that the System
Status Indicator Light (B) is illuminated green, see
Advanced Display Module (ADM), page 19.Ifthe
System Status Indicator Light is not green, press
the ADM Power On/Off (A) button
. The System
Status Indicator Light will illuminate yellow if the
machine is disabled.
Perform the following tasks to fully setup your system.
1. Select pr
essure for the Pressure Imbalance
Alarm to a
ctivate. See System Screen , page 47.
2. Enter, en
able, or disable recipes. See
Recipes S
creen, page 47.
3. Set gene
ral system settings. See
d Screen 1 — General, page 46.
4. Set unit
sofmeasure. See
d Screen 2 — Units, page 46.
5. Set USB
settings. See
ed Screen 3— USB, page 46.
6. Set tar
get temperatures and pressure. See
s, page 50.
7. Set co
mponent A and component B supply
s. See Maintenance, page 51.
8. Ensur
e engine is at operating temperature on the
home s
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