Install Wall (
Install a wall between the proportioner and generator
• Temperature condition the trailer space where
chemical is stored. Check with chemical
manufacturer for chemical storage temperatures.
• Reduce noise for the operator while the Reactor
is running.
The supplied fuel lines and battery cable may need
to be replaced if a wall is installed between the
proportioner and generator. Purchase the Fuel Line
and Battery Cable Extension Kit 24K333.
1. If necessar
y drain coolant from system. See
Drain Cool
ant, page 69. Coolant lines do not
need to be d
isconnected to install a wall.
Battery must be connected to starter to
drain coolant from system.
2. Remove screws and battery bracket from the
ve Battery Bracket and Fuel Tank
re 26
3. Remove fuel tank from the pallet.
a. Remove the mou
nting screws, supports, and
b. Disconnect in
let and outlet fuel lines from the
fuel tank.
c. Use two peopl
e to lift fuel tank off of the pallet
and place whe
re the fuel fill spout is easily
Do not mount fuel tank in front of
the generator air intake or where it
will limit opening and access to the
electrical enclosure (DB).
4. Install wall (IW) where the fuel tank was located.
Ensure there is at least 1.25 in. (31.75 mm)
between the wall, exhaust muffler, and MCM.
See Fig. 27, page 37.
To prevent an air pocket from forming
inside the coolant lines between the
proportioner and generator, ensure
there is a constant rise in elevation if
the coolant lines are adjusted. Failure
will reduce heating efficiency. See
Fig. 28, page 37.
5. Reconnect inlet and outlet fuel lines.
6. Install spacers, supports, and screws through
the fuel tank and tighten to the floor. Torque to
40 ft-lbs (54 N•m).
7. Place battery bracket over fuel tank or near the
Reactor. Remove existing battery cables from
engine and replace with the cables provided from
the fuel line and battery cable extension kit.
8. Install mounting bolts through battery bracket and
tighten to the floor. Torque to 40 ft-lbs (54 N•m).
s under the battery bracket help
bilize the fuel tank during operation.
36 3A1705J