Expansion Kits
To add colors/
catalysts, order the correct Non-IS Expansion Kit. Also order the corresponding IS Expansion
Kit. See IS Exp
ansion Kits, page 70.
Non-IS Expans
ion Kits
The followin
g kits are available to add color valves in a non-IS area. Order a kit without a manifold if you have
room for a val
ve on an existing manifold. Order a kit with a manifold if all ports on your existing manifolds have
valves alrea
dy. See Install an Expansion Kit, page 30 for instructions.
Low Pressure Expansion Kits
Kit No. Kit Description
Without Manifold
24T443 One non-ci
rculating valve
a plug). Includes valve,
fittings, and tubing.
24T444 One circulating valve (replaces a
plug). Includes valve, solenoid,
fittings, and tubing.
With Manifold
24T445 Manifold with one non-circulating
valve. Includes valve, plug,
solenoid, fittings, and tubing.
24T446 Manifold with one circulating valve.
Includes valve, plug, solenoid,
fittings, and tubing.
24T447 Manifold with two non-circulating
valves. Includes valves, solenoids,
fittings, and tubing.
old with two circulating
s. Includes valves, solenoids,
gs, and tubing.
High Pressure Expansion Kits
Kit No. Kit Description
Without Manifold
24T584 One non-ci
rculating valve
a plug). Includes valve,
fittings, and tubing.
24T585 One circulating valve (replaces a
plug). Includes valve, solenoid,
fittings, and tubing.
With Manifold
24T586 Manifold with one non-circulating
valve. Includes valve, plug,
solenoid, fittings, and tubing.
24T587 Manifold with one circulating valve.
Includes valve, plug, solenoid,
fittings, and tubing.
24T588 Manifold with two non-circulating
valves. Includes valves, solenoids,
fittings, and tubing.
old with two circulating
s. Includes valves, solenoids,
gs, and tubing.
High P
ressure Acid-Compatible Expansion Kits
Kit No
Kit De
Without Manifold
24T590 One non-circulating acid-
compatible valve (replaces a
plug). Includes valve, solenoid,
fittings, and tubing.
With Manifold
24T591 Manifold with one non-circulating
acid-compatible valve. Includes
valve, plug, solenoid, fittings, and
24T592 Manifold with two non-circulating
acid-compatible valves. Includes
valves, solenoids, fittings, and
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