Install the Remote Mix Manifold
1. Using the equipment as a template, mark the
mounting holes on the wall or robot arm, near the
automatic dispensing device.
2. Install the remote mix manifold. See
Dimensions, page 71. Use two bolts to attach
the equipment securely.
3. Install the remote mix manifold to the bracket
with four screws.
4. Connect the fluid supply lines to the remote mix
valve. See Connect the Fluid Lines, page 26.
Connect the Va
lve Air Lines
Non-Hazardous Area
1. Connect 5/32 i
n. (4 mm) OD air tubes from the
inlet soleno
ids to the air inlets of each inlet valve,
using the lab
el inside of the color control module
as a guide. Se
e Setup the Modules, page 13.
2. Repeat for th
e outlet valves.
Hazardous Area
Connect 5/32 in (4 mm) OD air tubes from the
solenoids to the air inlet of each valve, using the
labels inside of the remote color control module as a
guide. See Setup the Modules, page 13.