6 313526J
Check the identification plate (ID) for the 6-digit part number of the supply sys-
tem. Use the following matrix to define the construction of the supply system,
based on the six digits. For example, Part No. CM14BA represents a
Check-Mate supply system (CM), a carbon steel Check-Mate 100 MaxLife
displacement pump with an NXT 2200 air motor with remote DataTrak (pump
code 14), a 3 in. dual post ram with integrated air controls (B) and a 55-gallon,
uncoated platen with a neoprene seal (A).
To order replacement parts, see Parts section in manual 313527. The digits in the matrix on the next page do not
correspond to the Ref. Nos. in the Parts drawings and lists.
All supply systems with DataTrak and 24 Vdc or 100-240 Vac power supplies are ETL approved.
Systems with the GD as the first and second digits are Dura-Flo supply
Some configurations in the following matrix cannot be built. See the
Product Selection guide for available systems.