
16 313526J
Mechanical Setup
1. Fill displacement pump wet cup 2/3 full with Graco
Throat Seal Liquid (TSL).
2. Back-off air regulators to their full counterclockwise
position and close all shutoff valves.
3. Connect air line from an air source to the system air
inlet. See F
. 1 or F
. 2. Refer to the pump perfor-
mance curves in manual 312376 to determine your
air supply flow requirements. Use a supply hose
capable of meeting the required flow.
Connect Remote DataTrak to Power
100-240 Vac
The system has an IEC-C14 power input connection
located on the back of the power supply box. The user
must supply an appropriate adapter. The 100-240 Vac
supply must be capable of sourcing at least 1.2 Amps
and have supply current protection rated in accordance
with the supply wire gauge provided.
Have a trained electrician install and inspect power con-
nection per local code. Plug power supply cord into the
outlet on the back of the power supply box and into a
properly grounded electrical outlet. Use a zip tie, if
needed, to secure power cord in place.
24 Vdc
Attach 24V Class 2 power supply to terminals on the
24V assembly: +24 Vdc to terminal 2 (+) and -24 Vdc to
terminal 5 (-). Attach protective earthing (PE) conductor
to terminal marked .
The 24 Vdc supply must be capable of supplying at least
1.2 Amps and have supply current protection rated at no
more than 2.5 Amps.
Have a trained electrician install and inspect power con-
nection per local code.
Quick disconnects restrict flow for large air motors.
Frequency Voltage Max. Current Phase
50-60 Hz 100-240 Vac 1.2 Amps 1
Voltage Max. Current
24 Vdc 1.2 Amps
5 (-)
2 (+)