Product Configurator
312394V 9
U LC0132 On-Board, Pneumatic Agitate, De-gas,
Fill Port
V LC0142 Off-Board Pneumatic Agitator - 30 L
W LC0143 Off-Board Pneumatic Agitator - 60 L
Z LC0146 Off-Board Vacuum De-gas, Pneu-
matic Agitator, Fill Port, Slinger - 30 L
Code T Part Tank Level Sensors
N N/A None
2 LC0278 Polyethylene Tanks - Low Level Sen-
sors Only
3 LC0279 Two 7.5 L Stainless Steel Tanks - Low
Level Sensors Only
4 LC0282 Two 30 L or 60 L Stainless Steel Tanks
- Low Level Sensors Only
5 LC0281 7.5 L Stainless Steel - Low Level Sen-
sors Only, and 30 L or 60 L Stainless
Steel - Low Level Sensors Only
6 LC0280 Accumulator Sensors, and 7.5 L Low
Level Sensors
7 LC0283 Accumulator Sensors, and 30 L or
60 L Low Level Sensors
9 LC0284 Two 7.5 L Stainless Steel Tanks - High
and Low Level Sensors with Refill
A LC0287 Two 30 L or 60 L Stainless Steel Tanks
- High and Low Level Sensors with
Refill Logic
B LC0286 7.5 L Stainless Steel - Low Level Sen-
sors, and
30 L or 60 L Stainless Steel - High and
Low Level Sensors with Refill Logic
C LC0289 7.5 L Stainless Steel - High and Low
Level Sensors with Refill Logic, and
30 L or 60 L Stainless Steel - High and
Low Level Sensors with Refill Logic
D LC0285 Accumulator Sensors, and 7.5 L High
and Low Level Sensors
E LC0288 Accumulator Sensors, and 30 L or
60 L High and Low Level Sensors
G N/A Two Sets of Accumulator Sensors
Code U Part Heat Zone Controller
N N/A None
C LC0250 1 Tank or 1 Hose
D LC0251 2 Tanks, 1 Tank and 1 Hose, or 2
E LC0252 2 Tanks and 1 Hose, or 1 Tank and 2
F LC0253 2 Tanks and 2 Hoses
Code V Part Off-Board Tank Stands
N N/A None
2 LC0103 PR70 Tank Stand
3 LC0247 PR70v Tank Stand