Empty and Flush Entire System (new sprayer or end of job)
312359J 47
5. Open recirculation valves (AC, AD) for respective
pump dispense side. Run pumps until the A and B
reservoirs are empty. Salvage the material in sepa-
rate, clean containers.
When priming or flushing the pumps, it is normal to get
cavitation or pump runaway alarms. Clear the alarms
, and press again as necessary. These
alarms prevent excessive pump speeds that can dam-
age pump packings.
6. Wipe reservoirs clean, then add solvent to each.
Move circulation lines to waste containers.
7. Repeat Step 4 to flush through each side until clean
solvent exits recirculation hose.
8. Press . Move recirculation hoses back to reser-
voirs. Continue recirculating until system is thor-
oughly flushed.
9. Close recirculation valves (AC, AD) and open mix
manifold valves (AH, AJ). Dispense fresh solvent
through mix manifold valves and out gun.
10. Close mix manifold valves (AH, AJ).
11. Slowly open sampling valves (AE, AF) to flush sol-
vent through until clean. Close sampling valves.
Press .
12. Follow Park Fluid Pump Rods, page 38.
13. Remove pump fluid filters, if installed, and soak in
solvent. Clean and replace filter cap. Clean filter
o-rings and leave out to dry. Do not leave o-rings in
14. Close main air valve (E).
Fill A and B pump packing nuts with TSL. Also, always
leave some type of fluid, such as solvent or oil, in the
system to prevent scale build up. This build up can flake
off later. Do not use water.