Basic Operation
312359J 25
Set Maintenance Parameters
Prior to configuring system settings, see Enable Setup
Screens, page 66, to ensure screens shown in this sec-
tion are viewable and configurable. If they are not, follow
instructions in Enable Setup Screens to enable them.
For details regarding the user interface display screens
see User Interface Display, page 61.
To set maintenance parameters for pumps and valves,
including maintenance schedules, press from
the Home Setup screen.
Use the first screen to set maintenance setpoint
amounts for pumps and dosing valves. Use the second
screen to set the maintenance schedule for changing
the incoming air filter.
Set Maintenance Setpoints
To set maintenance setpoint values, press and
to move through each field, and press to
make a field selectable. Press to scroll through
each setpoint digit. Press and to scroll
through the optional values. Continue this process until
the desired setpoint is reached. Press to save
that setpoint.
Set Maintenance Schedule
To set the number of days between changing the incom-
ing air filter that will result in a reminder advisory, press
to move to the Maintenance Setup 2 screen.
Press to make the field selectable. Press
to scroll through each digit, and press and to
scroll through the optional values. Press to save
the number of days value.