System Administrator Screens
64 312353B
Non-Fluid Parts
The Non-Fluid Parts portion of the Matrix R&R Inter-
face Setup screen (F
IG. 110) allows you to enter a lim-
ited number of oil dispense-related non-fluid parts (i.e.,
oil filters, air filters, drain plugs, gaskets, wiper blades).
You may organize these in categories you select that
you wish to load into Matrix from R&R’s parts database.
Non-fluid parts can be added to meter dispense on a
RO basis if desired.
Part Categories
Clicking modify in the Action column displays the
screen shown in F
IG. 111 where you may add, edit, or
remove categories as needed.
Oil Filter Category
There will always be an oil filter category that cannot be
changed or removed from the list. This is a “special” cat-
egory in that it is linked to fields found in the menu con-
figuration screens. All other categories can be specified
to meet the customer’s application.
IG. 110 Non-Fluid Parts
FIG. 111 Part Category Setup