Installation Instructions
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11. Matrix software installation is almost complete.
Before restarting your computer, the software driv-
ers for the HASP key need to be installed and sev-
eral configuration settings need to be checked
and/or set. Select “No, I will restart my computer
later”. Click Finish.
12. Install the HASP key driver (see HASP Key Driver
Setup Program section (below).
13. Review the Sun Java Runtime section on page 17.
14. Confirm that Windows on the Matrix Server PC is
not configured to hibernate after a period of inac-
tivity (page 19).
15. Shut down the PC.
16. Plug the HASP key into an available USB port.
Since the key must be plugged in at all times for
Matrix to function properly, it is recommended that
a port out of the way (such as on the back of the
machine) be selected.
17. Restart the computer.
HASP Key Driver Setup Program
FIG. 21
FIG. 22 HASP Setup Welcome Screen
IG. 23 HASP License Agreement