
Set the set-point to 50°C and allow adequate time for the bath to reach
this temperature and stabilize. Adjust the DELTA calibration parameter
Section 9.11.4) to make the bath temperature as measured with the
standard thermometer match the set-point. The approximate ratio between
a change in DELTA and a change in temperature at 50°C is about 4.0 to 1.
For example, if the bath temperature is high by 0.1°C at 50°C then de
crease DELTA by 0.4.
Set the set-point to –70°C and allow adequate time for the bath to reach
this temperature and stabilize. Adjust the BETA calibration parameter
(see Section 9.11.5) to make the bath temperature as measured with the
standard thermometer match the set-point. The approximate ratio between
a change in BETA and a change in temperature at –70°C is about –1.0 to
1. For example, if the bath temperature is high by 0.1°C at –70°C then in
crease BETA by 0.1.
11 Calibration Procedure