The bath is operable within the temperature range given in the specifications.
For protection against solid-state relay failure or other circuit failure, a thermo
couple cutout automatically turns off the heater anytime the bath temperature
exceeds the maximum temperature.
The controller allows the operator to set the bath temperature with high resolu
tion, adjust the proportional band, monitor the heater output power, and pro
gram the controller configuration and calibration parameters. The controller
may be operated in temperature units of degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. The
controller is operated and programmed from the front control panel using the
four key switches and digital LED display. The controller is equipped with a
serial RS-232 digital interface for remote operation. Operation of the controller
using the front control panel is discussed following in Section 9. Operation us
ing the digital interfaces is discussed in Section 10.
When the controller is set to a new set-point the bath heats or cools to the new
temperature. Once the new temperature is reached the bath usually takes 15-20
minutes for the temperature to settle and stabilize. There may be a small
amount of overshoot or undershoot.
8 General Operation