Note: When removing the equipment from the flush mounted location, use the remov-
er (supplied) to remove the panel as shown below.
9.3 Installation of Antenna Unit
Install the antenna unit referring to the antenna installation diagram at the back of this
manual. When choosing a mounting location for the antenna unit, keep in mind the fol-
lowing points:
• Select a location out of the radar beam. The radar beam will obstruct or prevent re-
ception of the GPS signal.
• The location should be well away from a VHF/UHF antenna. A GPS receiver is in-
terfered by a harmonic wave of a VHF/UHF antenna.
• There should be no interfering object within the line-of-sight to the satellites. An ob-
ject within line-of-sight to satellites, for example, a mast, may block reception or pro-
long acquisition time.
• Mount the antenna unit as high as possible to keep it free from interfering objects
and water spray. Freezing water can interrupt reception of the GPS satellite signal.
Note 1: Do not shorten the antenna cable.
Note 2: If the antenna cable is to be passed through a hole which is not large enough
to pass the connector, unfasten the connector with a needle nose pliers and 3/8-inch
open-end wrench. Refasten it as shown below, after running the cable through the
Pull down
Gasket (reddish-brown)
Spring washer