Time Offset
GPS uses UTC time. If you would rather use local time, enter the time difference
(range: -14:00 to +14:00, 15 minutes step) between it and UTC time.
Daylight Saving Time
For countries that use daylight savings time, select On to enable daylight savings time.
Time Display
You can display the time in 12 or 24 hour format.
Date Display
Select the date display, DD/MMM/YY or MM/DD/YY.
The demonstration display provides simulated operation of this unit. You may set the
speed manually and course manually or automatically. All controls are operative - you
may enter marks, set destination, etc.
• Mode: select [On]. The indication SIM appears at the top left-hand side to inform
you that the simulation mode in use. To cancel, select [Off].
• Speed: Enter the speed (two digits) to use for the demonstration mode.
• Course: Select Auto or Manual. For manual entry of course, enter course in three
digits. The Auto course tracks a circular course.
• Lat, Lon: Enter latitude and longitude of the position to start the demonstration.
Reset (Trip)
You can reset the trip meter to zero. Select [On] at [Trip] on System>Reset menu.
*: Items to be cleared (See section 8.5.)