16. Recording Functions
The chart radar records various voyage-related items like movement and position of own ship and dangerous radar
targets (from Radar). These items are recorded in the following logs:
Voyage log: Records entire voyage, i.e., a sailing of a route from first point to the last.
Details log: Records position, speed and course once every minute.
Danger Target log: Records dangerous TT data.
Chart Usage log: Records information of used charts in display.
Alert log: Records alerts generated by the system.
The user may print the contents of any log.
16.1 Events and Man Overboard Functions
The Events and Man Overboard (MOB) functions are accessed with the mouse. Spin the scrollwheel to display
Event/Info/MOB in the guidance area then push the left or right button as appropriate.
Left button (Event): Records an event to the logbook. You can also write a comment for this event. It is displayed
only in the electronic chart area if Events is chosen for display in the Tracking page of the Symbol Display dialog
Right button (MOB): Records MOB position to the logbook. Position of this event is also displayed on the chart as
an orange square with a diagonal line running through it, as shown below. You can add a comment (up to 48
alphanumeric characters) to an MOB mark by selecting the mark then pushing the left button. The Event Description
window appears. Enter comment and click the OK button.
The chart radar can display Events and MOB. These events are also recorded
into the Voyage log.