12. User Chart Control
12.7.4 How to import points, symbols, lines or tidals from other user chart
User is able to choose User chart objects from other user chart to import them to current User chart. To import User
chart object do the following:
1. Open desired user chart object page.
2. Click the Import button. The dialog box shown
right appears.
3. In the Chart box, choose the chart from which to
copy user chart objects.
4. The Element category field shows the category
elements that will be copied.
5. In the First record to copy box, enter the number of
the object from which to begin copying.
6. In the Number of records box, enter number of
records to copy.
7. Click the Copy button to copy.
12.8 How to Join Two or More User Charts
The chart radar allows you to combine two or more user charts into one user chart. To join two or more user charts,
do the following:
1. In the sidebar Click UserChart followed by Plan to show the Plan User Chart dialog box.
2. Put the cursor on the triangle in the Plan User Chart dialog box to display the menu.
3. Choose a chart with "Select" and press the OK button, or choose "Create" and create a new chart.
4. Choose Combine then push the scrollwheel.
5. From the Chart box, choose a chart then push the scrollwheel.
6. Click the Copy button.