Glossary R
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18. Oktober 2007 Stand 11:29.52 Pfad: G:\vogt\fsc\uds\Manuale\en\udsent_e\udsent.mix
Start of a transaction or a processing chain in COBOL DML programs.
Start of a transaction or a processing chain in CALL DML programs.
Nameable physical subunit of the database. Equivalent to a file. Apart from the
user realms for user data there are also the realms DBDIR and DBCOM, which
are required by UDS/SQL.
realm configuration
Comprises all the database realms taking part in a session.
realm copy
See database copy.
realm reference number
Realms are numbered consecutively in ascending order, starting with 1. The
realm reference number (area reference) is part of the page address.
Regrouping of databases in a DB configuration after a session abort. A pre-
requisite for reconfiguration is that the SLF has been deleted or that its contents
have been marked as invalid.
Single occurrence of a record type; consists of one item content for each of the
items defined for the record type and is the smallest unit of data managed by
UDS/SQL via a unique identifier, the database key.
The reserved word RECORD is used in DDL and SSL syntax to declare a
record type.
record address
Address of the page containing the record. See page address.