
Glossary C
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compiler database
The realms and files of the database which are required by the UDS/SQL
compiler. They are
DBDIR (Database Directory)
DBCOM (Database Compiler Realm)
COSSD (COBOL Subschema Directory).
UDS/SQL-internal schema of the compiler database.
UDS/SQL-internal subschema of the compiler database.
compound key
Key consisting of several key items.
Only the filled items of a record are stored (see SSL clause COMPRESSION).
See DB configuration.
configuration user ID
User ID in which the database administrator starts the DBH.
configuration name
Freely selectable name of the database configuration for a particular session. The
DBH uses it to form:
the name of the Session Log File,
the names of the DB status file and its backup copy,
the names of the RLOG files,
the names of the temporary realms,
the names of session job variables,
–the event names of P1 eventing,
–the DCAM application name for the administration,
the names of the common pools
the names of the dump files.
connection module
Module that must be linked into every UDS/SQL application program and which
establishes the connection with the DBH.
State of the database without conflicts in the data stored in it.