CardMinder User’s Guide vi
Chapter 4 Business Card Data Handling .............................. 29
4.1 Data search by hot key..................................................... 30
4.2 Deleting data from the [Inbox] / [Exported] tab ............. 32
4.3 Restoring data from the [Trash] tab................................ 33
4.4 Deleting data from the [Trash] tab .................................. 35
Select records to be deleted permanently .......................................... 35
Empty [Trash] ..................................................................................... 36
4.5 Deleting data from the [Mobile] tab................................. 37
4.6 Extracting the business card image ............................... 39
4.7 Data search by keyword input ........................................ 41
Searching for business cards in CardMinder...................................... 41
Searching business card record in CardMinder Viewer...................... 42
4.8 Attaching related files to the business card data.......... 44
Attaching files to the business card record ......................................... 44
Opening the attached file.................................................................... 46
Deleting the attached file .................................................................... 46
4.9 Viewing the business card’s data on other PCs............ 47
Selecting the data to copy .................................................................. 47
Copying the business card’s data to removable media ...................... 48
Utilizing the business card’s data on removable media...................... 50
Deleting the data from removable media............................................ 52
4.10 Sending e-mail (Launching the e-mail program after
specifying an e-mail address) ......................................... 53
4.11 Activating Web Browser.................................................. 55
Chapter 5 Correctiing Recognized Character data.............. 56