
4.6 Extracting the business card image
CardMinder User’s Guide 40
Business Card Data Handling
3. You can attach the PDF file(s) (image data) to your e-mail by using your mailing soft-
ware such as MicrosoftOutlook.
If the both sides of the business card images are displayed, only one side can
be dragged at a time.
When you drag and drop an image from the Business Card Image View, the
business card front image is saved as "Full name (Front).pdf" and back image
as "Full name(Back).pdf." If the name is not specified, it is saved as "Untitled
(Front).pdf" or "Untitled (Back).pdf"
When you drag and drop a contact (record) from the Data List View, the cre-
ated PDF file name will be "Full name.pdf." If the name is not specified, it will
be "Untitled.pdf.
Note that character(s) that cannot be used for a file name (\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >,
| )
are converted into "_ (under bar)."
e.g.) When the name specified is "Howard *Brown," the PDF file name will be
"Howard _Brown.pdf"